
Nice introduction. This website use a lot of vector graphic. Layout design very special and looks very stylish.Overall has a sleek feeling in the website. Information still not there yet as it is under development. However i like the design on the navigation bar using vector graphic.

This website has a very modern and stylish feeling. Feel more higher class and very nice design.It has a unique navigation bar on the left which I never seen before. Nice concept of having a back button on the navigation. Clear information and easy to understand while keeping its high class feeling there.
Sky Bar

This website really brings out the sky feeling just like its name. Nice and unique concept of using the 5 elements of sight,hearing,smell,touch and taste.
The index page is interesting as it attracts me to click of the women 5 senses. Easy to navigate and clear information.
Ecoba restaurant and bar

This website is simple using paper as its element. Easy to navigate around the website as it has lesser information. Interesting rollover effect on the graphic. Maybe cause this website support environment friendly, that is why it has 'this' environmental friendly feeling when i see this website.
*2 more extra website page below
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